Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Oh yeah, that's SO me!

I'm a vintage girl at heart. I'm pretty sure I would have fit right in during the 40's and 50's. I learned to cook and bake on my mom's hand me down copy (from her grandmother) of Betty Crocker's Picture CookBook, published in 1950. They re-released the cookbook some time ago and I am not sure I have been more excited since Gone With The Wind came out on DVD.

I pull it out all the time, because it's really recipes from scratch, which I just love. It's more healthful and cheaper too. Life was just better then.

Never mind the missing waistline. I'm pretty sure people in '50's ballooned up when they were in the family way too.

Today I made a pound cake, to make a trifle I've been fantasizing about for weeks.

I wonder if I could get Kevin and some old people to go along with me for this one.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this! You go, girl! You cracked me up and I loved every bit of this!


    P.S. And you look positively lovely!

  2. are super cute in your vintage style cooking...apron and heels!!!

  3. What fun! You look perfect for the part, especially being pregnant!

  4. This is hands down the funniest thing I've seen all week. Love it. And you're so pretty in all your pregnant glory! I always just looked like a big, tired moose when I was expecting ;)

  5. I absolutely love it!!!! You are so funny :)

  6. You are adorable! Donna Reed would be proud!

  7. wahahahaha! This is hysterical, dont know why I missed this post?

    Am loving the look on Cadrian face when presented with the cake!
