Monday, May 03, 2010

Let's see...What People Do All Day

Or at least me, anyway.

Woke up. Got snuggled on.

Got the kids ready. Got myself ready.

Went over to MIL's to pick up Aviana who had stayed the night over there.

Came home after deciding to not go to the convenience store for a soda.

Had Bible time with fifty-eleven interruptions.

Random picture that has nothing to do with anything.

Read some "What People Do all Day" by Richard Scarry.

Kevin came in for some reason. The kids talked him into hanging up the hammock, so after much ado with shoes and such, they went out with him 'to help'.

Whined a little.

I took another allergy pill and lay down for a while.

Started to feel a bit better. Checked Facebook. Made H----- Specials (French Toasted PB&Js) w/ carrot sticks for lunch.

Cadrian nap.

Read stories to girls. Assigned quiet time spaces. Sent them off.

Made new ties for C's crib bumper, sewed them on. Fielded questions and interruptions from Brielle every 2 minutes. Then Aviana joined in. Got her started on embroidery.

Then Cadrian wandered up screaming, after napping only an hour.

Snuggled him down again, but he would have none of it. We lay down together for 45 minutes before I gave up.

Fixed a snack. Made Brielle clean up the Hobbit Room and My Studio (that child is a whirlwind)

Sent the chickadees outside. Cleaned up the kitchen.

Went out to supervise the wagon riding/bike riding/rollerblading/trike pushing fiesta.

My cousin Amelila arrived and got scolded for parking on the cement.

She brought the next season of Gilmore Girls!

Played s'more.

That's a curtsy.

Got everyone washed up.

Flipped on Curious George.

Made Cheesy Chicken Butterflies.

Ate it.

Cleaned up after it.

Sold some eggs.

Discussed the merits of Kevin going to Target for everything on the list by himself tonight, after band practice, or me doing it accompanied by three small children tomorrow. Sadly, I could not find the energy or wherewithall to make my case.

Jammafied everyone. Brushed teeth. Listened to Amelia read stories while I played on the 'puter.

Popped them into bed.


and again.

And one more time.

Aviana went up to the guest room so Brielle would leave her alone.

Watched Lorelei agonize over accepting Max's proposal.

Ate some cake. And for the record, when Five Year Old sasses me like she did, she will never again share my cake.

Checked some message boards.

Answered the door at 9:15. (WHO IS RINGING MY BELL AT 9:15?!? The soybean seed guy, who clearly, does not have small children)

Checked facebook, blogged and generally wasted time.

Hugged Handsome Husband

Went to bed.


  1. It sounds like an absolutely glorious day (except for my sympathies on the allergies).

  2. seriously? thats ALL you did?

    phew! am breathless just reading. thank goodness it ended well with the 3 H's....!

  3. LOVE that pink tractor...did you guys paint it? I've seen the lil green ones like that!
