Saturday, August 14, 2010


Apparently it has been MORE than a week since I last posted...How did that happen?!

The interim was filled, filled, filled with stuff I really want to tell you about, but I also need to satiate my need for card making, sewing, knitting, watching trashy shows on-line, cranking out not one but TWO scrapbook layouts for the first time in like, forever, and of course, mothering and wifing.

*We threw an incredible birthday bash for our three cherubs and a super fun fantastic time was had by all.

*Much time was spent readying for said bash.

*Pictures will be shared if I ever get them off the camera.

*My lovely adorable sister and her four cherubs are here for a 10 day visit from Colorado and we're trying to squeeze as much time with them as possible out of the allotted 10 days.

*My handsome hunk of a brother and his equally comely sweetheart were here from St. Louis.

*My wonderful aunt and charming cousin and sweet other cousin were also here for a lengthy visit.

*I was given the most beautiful meaningful Blessing Way in all the world.

*I also fought off a three day two adjustment killer migraine within the past week.

*Among sundry other topics I would very much like to get sidetracked by is the fact that I am VERY VERY ready to have this baby. I'm trying really hard to maintain a positive outlook and still enjoy the bringing of the light, but I am so OVER being pregnant. And I'm only 37 weeks.

*This pregnancy could very well last over a month longer.

Oy. Vey.


  1. All I have to say is this: God help you and the people around you if your pregnancy last over a month longer!!!! LOL!!! ;p

  2. All I have to say is this: God help you and the people around you if your pregnancy last over a month longer!!!! LOL!!! ;p

  3. Oh, you have been busy. With being that pregnant, you'd think everyone would be waiting on you instead of you taking care of them.

